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UoB seeks to reassure community that campus reopening will be safe for all

Andrew Waller

The University of Bristol has circulated a statement about its reopening plans in the form of a letter to community groups and individual residents.

The letter, written by Lucinda Parr, registrar and university secretary, is headed “Covid-19 and community safety —an update from the university”. Dated 18 September, it says:

“Firstly, please be assured that the health and wellbeing of staff, students and our neighbouring communities is the University’s top priority. To mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission, University staff have worked hard to reconfigure our estate to make it compliant with all government and Public Health England guidance.”

It also notes:

“We understand the concerns of local residents and are alert to reports of anti-social behaviour and breaches of public health guidance; particularly as it relates to social distancing. We treat all complaints about student misconduct in the community very seriously and we have a clear process in place to address and monitor reported problems.”

This is followed by a lengthy bullet list of policies and procedures with which students will be expected to comply.

The letter also says that “non-compliance with COVID-related public health guidance and legislation, whether it occurs on University premises or in the community, is deemed an act of misconduct” and may be dealt with under student disciplinary rules or in some cases as a criminal offence.

The full letter is here.

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