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* Lansdown, 30 Jan: Third complaint

Andrew Waller

(21097) Two residents have complained to UoB about noise related to a student party at a property in Lansdown Road on the night of 29-30 January 2022. This is the third time this house has been cited in complaints this academic year.

Resident1 wrote to UoB: "It wasn’t the party itself that was the problem, it’s the noisy groups that inevitably gather on the street shouting and shrieking. It’s been near-continuous since 11.00pm and is still going on as a write at 2.15am. Even after calling at the house around 1.00am, and asking one of the student tenants to please stop their guests from making a noise on the street, noisy groups continued to gather.

Noting that he had previously complained about the same property, the resident told UoB: "I can only hope you will remind the students at [xx] Lansdown that whilst they may have tried to reasonably manage the party indoors, the behaviour of their guests outside made sleep impossible for neighbours."

In a follow-up email to me, the resident said: "I did actually contact Operation Beech, and they responded very quickly by driving down the road and messaging back that they had only seen a couple of people outside [xx]. Sods Law meant their drive-by was after the noisy group had either gone back inside or left in a couple of cars (Ubers?). Of course, within a few minutes the street noise returned, which highlights the problem with Op Beech: when the problem is sporadic (but near continuous) street noise, if Beech drive past during a lull, then it looks like you're wasting their time."

Resident2 wrote to UoB: "The noise last night was appalling. Screaming, shouting and chanting. There were chants of 'Oi! Oi! Oi!' which may indicate that sports teams were involved. Between 12 and 2 it was impossible to sleep."

Reported to UoB or UWE: B

Raised with landlord / property agents: --

Reported to police: Beech

Complaint # in series: 3

Previous report # citing this address: 28/10/2021 and 20/09/2021

Total incident(s) in this report: * 1

# From 1 July 2021

* Includes incidents mentioned in this email that have not been recorded previously.


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