Day-time noise
Updated: Sep 27, 2024
Parties, eg in gardens, or other noise at an identifiable address
These notes present my advice. Users must make their own judgments and consider their own safety. If you complain in person to people creating noise, try to remain calm and business-like, and avoid inflammatory words or action.
Daytime noise can be a problem in warm weather as students at houses with gardens take advantage of sunny conditions. If this involves playing loud music all afternoon, or loud voices, or shouting, it can be intolerable for neighbours. University of Bristol says students shouldn’t annoy neighbours at any time (UoB Rules). The University of the West of England has similar policies. If the noise happens during office hours, you may be able to get help from the university, the landlord/agent, or the neighbourhood police. Bristol City Council is unlikely to assist. Operation Beech, if on duty, begins at 8pm. If the problem is at a property you’ve had problems with before, also read Repeat disturbance.
Steps 1, 2 and 4
The things to do right now and how to complain afterwards are similar to those for Night-time noise, with some adaptation. For example, if you go to talk to the students:
Emphasise that other people also have a right to enjoy their gardens (or have their windows open) in warm weather, and it’s not fair for one household to monopolise the garden space.
Ask them to finish at a certain time, and in the meantime, to turn any music off or down, lower their voices and avoid bad language. (And if marijuana fumes are wafting across your patio, you might need to ask that they do their drug-taking inside.)
Step 3: Getting help
If this is in office hours, you could try to seek intervention from the following. See How to complain for contact details:
• Landlord and/or agent: They have a general duty to try to protect neighbours from anti-social behaviour by their tenants, particularly if the property is an HMO (house in multiple occupation).
• The university: You could try emailing the liaison address.
• The police: You might be able to contact your local beat officers via 101.
Reviewed, September 2024