* Wetherell Place, 5 Sep: 'Prevented sleep'
(21044) Complaint about noise disturbance at a property in Wetherell Place, Clifton, on 5 September 2021.
Resident says: "There was a loud party at the property last night from 10 pm to 2 am. I live on Meridian Place. The sound travelled into my apartment, prevented me sleeping and has caused issues with my work this morning."
In a follow-up email on 8 September, he added: "There has since been anti-social noise on two occasions from another HMO nearby, [xx] Meridian Place."
Reported to UoB or UWE: BW
Raised with landlord / property agents: --
Reported to police: --
Complaint # in series: 1
Previous report # citing this address: xxxxxx
Total incident(s) in this report: * 3
# From 1 July 2021
* Includes incidents mentioned in this email that have not been recorded previously.