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Andrew Waller

Extra Operation Beech patrols to cover Halloween week

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

Operation Beech, the special police patrol paid for by University of Bristol to tackle student noise, will run extra shifts over the Halloween period, which is traditionally among the noisiest of the year.

Officers will be on duty every night from Friday, 27 October, to Tuesday, 31 October (Halloween), inclusive, according to the UoB community liaison office.

There will be no patrol on Wednesday, 1 November, but officers will return the next night (Thursday, 2 November) and for the usual Friday and Saturday shifts (3 and 4 November). After that, shifts will continue on the normal Wednesday, Friday, Saturday pattern.

If you need Beech to deal with a party or other noise that you think involves UoB students, send Beech a text on this number: 07773 816248. Include the address the noise is coming from, and a few brief details. (See my Beech page for further advice.)

You can also check the UoB website, which is due to be updated:



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