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Andrew Waller

* Clyde Park, 9 Oct: 'Impossible to sleep'

(21069) Several residents have complained about a large, late-night party at a student house in Clyde Park on the night of Friday-Saturday, 8-9 October 2021.

I observed the party several times through the night. The first was shortly before midnight, when I counted about 60 people entering the property in a spell of just 15-20 minutes. The party was already under way, with loud beat music and people gathered in the back garden, suggesting there could have been around 100 in attendance.

I understand Operation Beech police visited the house later, but the party continued. It was still audible more than 120 metres away at past 2am. The party was at least the second at the house since 1 July.

Resident1 said in a complaint to UoB: "The noise definitely started cranking up between 10-11pm last night and continued. I woke up four times including 4.30 am when voices could still be heard. Not great when you’re an NHS worker. The music was loud with a banging beat and I think a light system, voices were raised enough to cause a disturbance."

Resident2 said in an email to me: "I rang the police about the party last night .... the noise made it impossible to sleep. Partygoers were outside the house and tbh it sounded like the sound system was too. That level of noise after 2am is not reasonable in a residential area."

Operation Beech is understood to have visited the house between midnight and 1am. It appears police may also have attended a second time later in the night.

Resident2 clarifies that her call to the police was to 101 at about 2-30am. "Initially they said I needed to ring a local branch and then they checked and told me police were attending as the party had spilled into the street. After about 30 mins, I guess at about 3am, it went quiet and as I had heard a car I assumed this was police."

Resident3 said in an email to UoB: "This is the second time I have complained about this address. After the first (an event on 2 July 2021), UoB said the students had been visited and warned as to their future conduct." The resident also contacted the property agents, Flatline.

Resident4 said in an email to me: "... after midnight it was unbearable and the ghastly beat of the music unending and so loud. It was a totally unacceptable situation. Unfortunately the party also spilled on to the street with shouting and much foul language. It had the hallmarks of a party out of control, and sadly a very unpleasant experience for the generally quiet, respectful resident community."

Reported to UoB or UWE: B

Raised with landlord / property agents: Flatline

Reported to police: Beech, 101

Complaint # in series: 2

Previous report # citing this address: 02/07/2021

Total incident(s) in this report: * 1

# From 1 July 2021

* Includes incidents mentioned in this email that have not been recorded previously.


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