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* Arlington Mansions, 29 Oct: 'Bottle thrown'

Andrew Waller

(22045) A resident claims a wine bottle was thrown at his property after he complained to Operation Beech about partying students.

The resident says the party took place at a flat in Arlington Mansions, in Arlington Villas, Clifton, on the night of 29/30 October 2022.

He wrote to UoB and the property agents, Anthony James: "Please can this be escalated as a matter of urgency—surely the risk of serious physical injury caused by cretins throwing glass bottles from a 4th-floor window can justify stronger action?"

He says he was unwell that night after having a covid booster jab. He was trying to sleep but was disturbed by noise at 23:45 ... After going outside to video the flat the noise was coming from, "I messaged Beech and they said they would attend." Later, he fell asleep.

"The next day I noticed a message from Beech asking if it was Flat [x] as the lights were off at the front of the house. [A neighbour] says the party carried on until 2am. In the video I took, the occupants can clearly see me filming video evidence. This morning I found they had thrown a glass bottle of wine at my front door—broken glass, bottle top, labels and general mess. That is a whole new serious offence IMHO as I could have been seriously injured if I went outside at the point they threw it."

Reported to UoB or UWE: B

Raised with landlord / property agents: Anthony James

Reported to police: UoB officer

Complaint # in series: 1

Previous report # citing this address: xxxxxx

Total incident(s) in this report: * 1

# From 1 July 2022

* Includes incidents mentioned in this email that have not been recorded previously.


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