* Arlington, 20 Nov: 'Shouting and screaming'
(S123) Multiple complaints about noise at Arlington Mansions, a block of flats in Arlington Villas, on several occasions in November 2020.
On 7 November, resident reported "occasional shouting and screaming and music", audible despite the fact his house is triple-glazed. "At 2:30am I took a look outside and the lights appeared to be on in Flat [x] and ... I could hear music and talking."
On 18 November, he reported further disturbance from the same flat: "1:30am: woken by bad music, loud singing. Got up and took a look - lights on, windows wide open, people moving about inside and lots of noise ... The noise continued until past 2am with some minor screaming too."
And on 20 November, he added a further complaint: "It's nowhere near as loud as the other day, and there isn't any screaming and shouting, but the stupid droning music is disturbing my sleep. I don't understand why they can't see that having their windows open and playing music at 1am is unsociable."
Reported to UoB or UWE: B
Raised with landlord / property agents: Anthony James & Co.
Reported to police: Beech (third event)
Repeat complaint: # --
Previous report citing this address: # --
Total incident(s) in this report: * 3
(Email, 7 Nov 16:09; 18 Nov 10:11; 20 Nov 1:31, de)
# In current academic year, or from 1 July 2020
* Refers to incidents mentioned in this email that have not been recorded previously.