* Waverley, July: retrospective
(S072) Complaint of noise at property in Waverley Road on various dates in July 2020.
Posted retrospectively because this information was only recently received.
[To the property agent] "In the past 8 days there have been 3 occasions when disturbances have gone well into the following morning.Yesterday (Friday 17/07) noise began at about 23.00 and went on to past 04.00 with gatherings in the garden and in the house, people in and out of the house slamming the door, and shouting out in the street."
The agent wrote to the tenants but the complainant notes that "a few days after, the students were at it again, going on to past 02.00".
Reported to UoB: not known
Raised with landlord / property agents: yes
Additional incident(s) at this address*: yes
(Email, 2 August 2020, 23:13, ds)
(Incident recorded in short form due to volume of complaints. Details added to offline database.)
*Refers to incidents mentioned in this email that have not been recorded separately.