* Aberdeen, 1 Aug: Daytime disturbance
(S075) Complaint of daytime noise at property in Aberdeen Road on 1 August 2020.
[To landlord] "This afternoon 1st August there were upwards of 8 persons in the back garden of your property, drinking and shouting, some very obviously drunk or worse, being so rowdy they could be heard in the street in Abbotsford Road. Mercifully no music so far but we are were unable to enjoy our garden and have had to stay inside our house from where we can still hear them."
(Added, 05/08/202)
This is a fourth complaint against this property since July 1. The previous ones were: 04/07/2020, 10/07/2020 and 16/07/2020.
Reported to UoB: yes
Raised with landlord / agents: yes
Additional incident(s) at this address*: yes
(Email, 1 August 2020, 19:17, cl)
(Incident recorded in short form due to volume of complaints. Details added to offline database.)
*Refers to incidents mentioned in this email that have not been recorded separately.