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* Lansdown, 12 July: 30-40 people in street

Andrew Waller

(S028) Several residents have complained to UoB about a party at a student house in Lansdown Road, east side, in the early hours of Sunday, 12 July.

I had passed through the street shortly after midnight and noted there was a gathering under way at the address. Later, I returned there just as a large group of students were leaving the house following the intervention of a neighbour.

Another group, who had come from Hampton Road, arrived at the same time, resulting in there being about 30 to 40 people milling in the street. Most of these dispersed over the next half-hour.

Some students from the house were busy apologising to watching residents, saying they had never intended their gathering to become this large. It has since emerged that residents had advised the students beforehand not to organise a large party, and that they had misunderstood the guidance relating to gatherings of up to 30 people. (This is confined to certain organised events such as funerals.)

Resident 1 says: "At midnight I went to bed but was unable to sleep because of general noise. At about 1am, a group of 20 or more were talking very noisily on the street, so I called 101. I now realise this was because another neighbour had finally got them to shut the party down. The group finally dispersed about 30 mins later."

Referring to general conditions in the area, she adds: "In the past several weeks we have regularly been disturbed by noise from students ... I have been woken at about 3 or 4am on about 5 of the past 7 nights. I am aware of several residents who are now very distressed by this relentless, inconsiderate behaviour."

(Email, 12 July 2020, 14:57, FM)

In a subsequent email, this resident said two students from the house had visited her and her partner the following day to apologise for the disturbance.

Resident 2 says: "I live next door, and the noise and crowds were such that around 12.45am I finally had to ask the students to shut down the party. It’s unfortunate I’m having to make this complaint so soon in the students' tenancy, as they moved in only a few days ago.

"I introduced myself on their first day, and politely explained how thin the walls were in these terraced houses, and how the narrow streets and gardens trapped any noise, and how this trapped noise was so disturbing to neighbours at night ...

"That first meeting seemed amicable, but it was worrying when the very next day they called to say they were planning a party on the Saturday. Again it was explained that the noise should be reasonable as the University of Bristol advises, and as their tenancy agreement stipulates.

Other residents said something similar, also reminding the students that Covid19 guidance was in place from the government. Judging by what happened, none of this looks to have made much difference to their party plans, although I will give them credit for stopping the party when asked. It did take almost an hour for all the students to disperse - a noisy event in its own right - but once they were gone we were left with only a few in the rear garden talking."

(Email, 12 July 2020, 18:23, DC)

Resident 3 says: "I was not present to witness this disruption as the disturbances are now so frequent and are at such a high level, I am seeking alternative accommodation on weekends to avoid any additional stress.

"I live at [xx] Lansdown Road and have been kept awake daily due to noise from both Lansdown Road and Stanley Road students .... with parties and gatherings happening daily up until 4am in some instances."

(Email, 12 July 2020, 19:29, JS)

PC Sian Harris, the police officer attached to UoB, has since visited the students and advised them about their future behaviour.


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