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Andrew Waller

Students' return challenges UoB policy on lockdown compliance

Recent noise complaints suggest students may be breaching lockdown restrictions and could be running the risk of disciplinary action by the University of Bristol.

An emergency-services worker who complained about disturbance from a house in Hampton Road says: "I am also concerned about the fact they appear to be having other students visit their property at this time with the Covid restrictions still in place."

Another resident, complaining about noise in Arlington Villas, says: "When lockdown began all went very quiet with most [students] heading to their parents' homes. But for some reason, despite no change to restrictions on going to second homes, a load of them have returned. Not only have they returned but they are enjoying the freedoms of no uni to attend to enjoy themselves."

Information on the UoB website indicates that all teaching for the current term has been moved online, meaning most students no longer need be physically present in the city to study.

At the start of lockdown, UoB issued a strongly worded warning to students to observe social-distancing rules.

In a statement quoted on the BristolLive website, Pro Vice-Chancellor Sarah Purdy said anti-social behaviour, including disregarding the advice around social distancing and isolation, "will not be tolerated by the university."

She added: "We expect students to comply with the government guidance—to not do so is risking the health and safety of the community around them, including fellow students, and staff who are working hard and at their own risk to support them.

"Disregarding the guidance may lead to the university taking disciplinary action.  Penalties for this include fines of up to £800 and a recording of the misconduct and penalty on your central university record, which may be referred to in references.

“Students need to be aware that we will pursue such misconduct to the full extent possible given the gravity of the current threat to our university community and wider society."



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