► Hampton Park, Jan 25: 'Kept awake'
Updated: Sep 18, 2020
(19053) A resident has written to both UoB and UWE after being disturbed by a student party in Hampton Park in the early hours of Saturday, Jan 25, 2020.
He writes: "It's 02.44 am ... and I am being kept awake by party noise at [xx] Hampton Park, Bristol. The noise is made worse by the fact the residents are leaving the front door open and people are spilling out into the street. ... Please can you check your address register to see if [xx] Hampton Park is occupied by students at your university and caution them about their anti-social behaviour ... I have to be at work by 8.00am in the morning and have so far not had any sleep."
(Email: Jan 25, 2020, 02:44)