► Ravenswood, Dec 13: 'Woken at 2am'
Updated: Sep 18, 2020
(19051) Loud music and singing in the early hours of Friday, December 13, 2019, from a student house in Ravenswood Road.
A resident has complained to UoB: "I was woken at 02:00 this morning ... by loud music and loud voices coming from number [xx]. I got up, got dressed and went over to the house. The living room window was fully open and two people were leaning out of it talking loudly. I asked them to close the window and keep the noise down.
"They closed the window but it didn't make much difference to the noise level so I rang the doorbell. No one answered. ... I could hear the students singing 'We're having the time of our lives'. I rang the door bell again. The singing got louder ... Still no one answered the door. I had to ring the doorbell for several minutes before someone opened it. She asked me to stop ringing the doorbell and then said that they hadn't heard it. I asked her to turn the music down.
"I went home and it had quietened down but I wasn't able to get back to sleep. At around 03:45 the disturbance started up again, loud music and shouts and singing. The living room window at number [xx] was fully open again. The disturbance carried on for another 20 minutes or so. I was still awake at 04:15."
(Email: Dec 13, 2019, 21:36)