► Manor Park, 11 Jun: Calls to police
Updated: Sep 18, 2020
(18093) Loud party at student house in the northern corner of Manor Park on Mon/Tue, 10/11 June 2019, with associated disturbance and shouting in the street.
A resident has complained to the University of Bristol about this event, which lasted from 11pm to 3-30am. Four other people also say they were disturbed.
One called the police on 101 and officers attended. (This was a 'regular' 101 call; Operation Beech was not on duty on that evening.) The officers asked for the music to be turned down, and it was. But after they left it went back up again. The caller again contacted 101, but was told there was nothing more the police could do.
The resident who wrote to UoB says the party "woke me and my family many times with the loud music, plus the constant opening/closing/slamming of the front door as guests continually arrived and left, and shouting in the street whilst arriving/leaving."
He presumes the students were celebrating the end of their exams, but notes that his own son had a GCSE exam the morning after the disturbances.
Another resident says "I was woken up several times around / after midnight by groups of drunken people shouting in the street."