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Police to target student noise in UoB-funded 'Operation Beech'

The University of Bristol has

released details of the police patrols it's funding to control student noise in June, as students celebrate the end of exams.

Under 'Operation Beech', patrols will operate in noise hotspots such as Chandos and Manor Park. Police will be out and about on eight nights, starting on June 5. To download the Operation Beech flyer as a PDF, go here. (Please pass details to your neighbours!)

This is billed as a trial run, modelled on 'Operation Oak', based in Newcastle. Lynn Robinson, UoB’s deputy registrar, said in March that, if successful, it may be rolled out more broadly in October, at the start of academic 2019-20.

The dates and times of operation are June 5-8 and 12-15, from 8pm to 2am. Police will patrol an area (see map) bounded by Chandos, Hampton, Trelawney & Cotham Park Roads and Redland Grove, plus some other hotspots: Ashgrove Road, Manor Park, Highbury Villas, Eaton Crescent and Arlington Villas.

Residents are given a number to text if they experience house parties or street disturbances believed to involve UoB students. The number is 07773 816 248.

Pressure for an improved response to student noise came from Chandos Neighbourhood Association, which invited Ms Robinson to a meeting last July.


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