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Andrew Waller

► Ravenswood, 8 Dec: House 'a problem for years'

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

(18050) Student house party in Ravenswood Road, near Hampton Road, Fri/Sat 7/8 Dec 2018. Beat music and noise of people in street, noted at 1am to 1.30am.

A resident has complained to the University of Bristol about this event, which follows several others at the same address. Two other residents have also confirmed they were disturbed by the party. (Update: Another resident has expressed concern about noise from the house.)

The first resident details disturbances on three dates in September, which resulted in a complaint to UoB. Another incident, and complaint, followed in October, and a fifth incident, and further complaint, in November. The resident says she subsequently was concerned to learn that the same students planned a party on what she initially believed to be 30 November. She emailed UoB in advance of that date to ask the university to try to intervene—it contacted the students. Later, she discovered the event was in fact planned for 7/8 December. In an email to me, she said: "The students say they will try to be quiet and they are going out afterwards so it should be finished by 1am."

I observed the party myself between 1am and 1-30am. The beat music at that time was moderately loud, but clearly capable of disturbing near neighbours. For part of the period, there was a noisy group in the street. Some appeared to leave in a taxi, while others went back inside the house. I saw one young man cross the road from the house, urinate on the garden wall of one of the houses opposite, then return to the party.

The first resident confirms she and her husband were disturbed between midnight and 1.15am by both music and noise in the street. They saw one male party-goer urinate in the street outside No. [xx], then return to No. [xx]. This was "just after midnight", so a different incident than the one mentioned above. At "around 3am to 3-15am" they were again disturbed by "repetitive thumping bass noise". Her husband texted the students and it went quiet. She reports sleeping badly and getting up late, "so one hour behind with everything and feeling very tired". She has now submitted a further complaint to UoB.

A second resident says: "We have been battling the noise coming from this particular house for several years. There are other student houses nearby which are not causing any problems yet this house year after year seems to attract a type of student that seem to be unaware of the distress they are causing. On the night of 7/8th of December my husband and I were woken up in the middle of the night by a group of loud people outside Number [xx]. I work on Saturday mornings so need to be up very early. The pattern seems to be that people get drunk and while waiting for taxis etc very late at night there is a lot of noise coming from the street."

A Kenilworth Road resident whose house backs on to those in Ravenswood says: "This party went on until at least 2am, with the most disturbing thing being the 'deep bass' music. We do not mind students enjoying themselves on the weekends with some late-night parties but do mind the playing of loud, bass-driven music."

Updated, 17/12/2018

A fourth resident has expressed concern about "the constant noise" from the house.


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