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► Lansdown, 9 Oct: 'Music blaring out'

Andrew Waller

(19019) Loud music from student house in Lansdown Road, north end, west side, on Wed, 9 October 2019.

This is the second of two complaints to UoB this night by the same resident: see also 19018. While dealing with the first incident, at about 11-45pm, she says she became aware there was disturbance from another address, too.

"I noticed noisy groups at the top end of the street with taxis coming and going. On investigating I found basement windows at [xx] Lansdown Road, with loud music blaring out. I spoke to the occupants, who confirmed they were UoB students and were aware of the university's guidance. ... I asked them to close the window and turn the noise down. I think it remained quieter after that."

However, she was disturbed again by revellers returning to the street around 3am.

(Email, 10 Oct 2019, 10:36am)

Note: UoB guidance is for gatherings to be quiet by 10pm on a week night.


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